<div align="center">
<h2>Multi-Line Text</h2>
<!--- Create AspImage Object ---> 
<cfobject type="COM" 

  Image.AntiAliasText = True;
  vbRed="255"; vbBlue="16711680"; vbBlack="0"; vbWhite="16777215";
  vbGreen="65280"; vbYellow="65535"; vbCyan="16776960"; vbMagenta="16711935";

//  rem **********************************************************************
//  rem * Set various font parameters
//  rem **********************************************************************
  Image.FontColor = vbWhite;
  Image.Italic = False;
  Image.Bold = True;
  Image.FontName = "Arial";
  Image.FontSize = 12;
  Image.PadSize = 4;
// Note: ColdFusion Issues COM Error when setting this Var   Image.TextAlign = 6;

//  rem **********************************************************************
//  rem * Calculate the size of the text info is and set the image to this size
//  rem * (this has to be done since we want to fill the area with a gradient)
//  rem * This demonstrates a multi-line text string
//  rem **********************************************************************
  strMessage = "The Widget Factory" & vbCrLf & "123 Park Avenue" & VbCrLf & "Anytown, USA 012345";

  Image.MaxX = Image.TextWidth(strMessage);
  Image.MaxY = Image.TextHeight(strMessage);

//  rem **********************************************************************
//  rem * Create a one way gradient that starts with Red and ends with White
//  rem **********************************************************************
  Image.GradientOneWay(vbWhite, vbBlue, 0);

//  rem **********************************************************************
//  rem * Print our text to the image at the current X,Y position using 3D
//  rem **********************************************************************
// ColdFusion Cannot handle Text.Align    Image.TextOut(strMessage, Image.MaxX / 2 - Image.PadSize, Image.Y, true);
  Image.TextOut(strMessage, 0, Image.Y, true);

//  rem **********************************************************************
//  rem * Set the filename and save
//  rem *  NOTE: You should gen the filename dynamically for multiuser usage
//  rem **********************************************************************
  Image.FileName = "#expandpath(".")#\txtz2.JPG";

//  rem **********************************************************************
//  rem * Write the <img src> tag out for the browser to pick up
//  rem **********************************************************************
  WriteOutput("<img src=""txtz2.jpg""><br>");

//  rem **********************************************************************
//  rem * These properties give eval/registration information for the component
//  rem **********************************************************************
//  rem WriteOutput("<p>Expires: " & Image.Expires);
//  rem WriteOutput("<br>Version: " & Image.Version);
//  rem WriteOutput("<br>Registered To: " & Image.RegisteredTo);
